registers for Blog Action Day

We do things differently around here. We don’t send refrigerator magnets. We don’t do glamor shots during movie theater previews. We believe in providing information about the area primarily through blogging.

For example, take a look at our unique Community page. On the Community page, you will find a list communities that we have profiled. If you click to one of the communities, you will find an interesting mix of static and dynamic content. We hard code the basics of the community onto a static page, and automagically filter only our blog posts that are relevant to that community to that page. So if someone is interested in Lochmere in Cary, they can go to the Lochmere Community page and find out the basic information, plus any additional posts specifically about Lochmere, as well as any global posts that affect anyone looking in Lochmere as well.

How do we decide what makes it onto the blog? Lots of reading other blogs. Lots of picture taking. Lots of talking – to local business owners, to teachers, to developers, to real estate agents. And also, lots of web browsing for related ideas and ideals.

I came across Blog Action Day and was interested immediately. The concept is to get a massive number of blogs talking about a single subject on a particular day. I may not have been interested enough to post, but the subject for 2007 is “environment”.

So expect some “environment” related posts leading up to and on Blog Action Day 2007 – from local NC Green builders, to community planning, parks, outdoor recreation, etc., are all local environmental subjects that we will post about.

About RaleighCary

George Wilson is owner and Broker in Charge of Raleigh Cary Realty, an independent Real Estate firm headquartered in Cary , North Carolina. "In 2008, I was working for a big national Real Estate company. A client of mine who I'd just helped purchase a home two months before got laid off from his job and wanted to quickly list her home. When I charged the client less to help her out, the firm was very upset with my decision. I opened Raleigh Cary Realty shortly thereafter, with a vision that we'd always have the flexibility to do the right thing for our clients, no matter what." -George Wilson


  1. Rama,

    Kudos to you for participating in blog action day.

    I decided to write a belated post of my own about an environmental issue that might strike a cord with some of your readers:

    Brazilian teak hardwood floors, slave labor, and the destruction of the rain forest.

    You can find it at:

    Anything that you can do to help promote awareness of this issue will be deeply appreciated.

    Keep up your good work.

    Thank you!


  1. […] Blog Karen J. Kehoe- Charlottesville The Preva Report EKDAY- Orlando Geoff Green- Saratoga Springs Cary, NC Teresa Boardman- St. Paul, MN Joanne Hanson- Summit Co, CO Building Real Estate Results Diane […]

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