Staging a Home

Staging a Home

homes in raleigh nc, staging your home in raleigh ncStaging your Raleigh home is normally one of the most important things a Seller can do to get top dollar for the home, because a well staged home will keep people lingering in the house longer – often imagining themselves living there. But often times, we find that clients are hesitant to take a critical eye to their home.

We tell clients that as they are selling their home, it’s important to change their words around… Say to yourself, “This is not my home; it is a house — a product to be sold much like a box of cereal on the grocery store shelf.” It’s a HOME when you buy it, it’s an INVESTMENT (a house) when you sell it.  So look around with that fresh approach, and imagine yourself handing over the keys and envelopes with warranties to the new owner.  Now think about how good it’s going to feel to be in your new home… and you are ready to De-Personalize and De-Clutter for the next family who we want to pay TOP DOLLAR for this house! [Read more…]

Buying a Foreclosure

Buying a Foreclosure

Buying Foreclosures, Pre-Foreclosures and Auctions in Raleigh NC

Foreclosure homes in Cary NCForeclosed homes are considered “distressed property”, and are generally already owned by the Lender.  The bank who owns the home has never actually “lived” in the home, and they will generally give no “Seller’s Disclosure Notice.”  The home may be obviously physically distressed – meaning there may be at best maintenance items (like exterior painting that needs to be done), and the home could have latent structural defects, which could be hard to see by the untrained eye.

The Bank Real Estate Owned Properties (REO / Foreclosures) in Cary are usually sold at a great price…However, there are generally two other opportunities to purchase a Cary home that is Distressed: [Read more…]

The First Time Home Buyer Program in NC

The First Time Home Buyer Program in NC

C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\buyer.pngWe talk to many First Time Home Buyers who are READY to get a new house, but just don’t know where to start.  Especially as we begin 2013, and we’re seeing more and more of a shift toward a sellers’ market in Raleigh.  Some communities are extremely strong for sellers, others not-so-much but, many are neutral.

Buyers are seriously shopping for those homes for sale this month as we are coming upon the typically hotter markets of the Spring in Raleigh Cary Home Sales.  For many of the First Time Homebuyers we talk to – CASH is a common “barrier” keeping them from buying a home.


NC has one of the VERY BEST First Time Home Buyer Programs in the Country.  There are a few requirements, but for the most part, it’s pretty easy to find a home that qualifies, and the underwriting guidelines for the program are pretty sweet too!  

First off, the program is NOT just for First Time Homebuyers. If you are a buyer who has not owned a principal residence during the last three years (so you rented  out your previous home instead of selling it?), then you ALSO qualify for the program! [Read more…]